Travelogue Acramity -
1st solo exhibition
I wanted to make a trip to Rhodes for sometime and so I started on the occasion of the holy week. I walked out of my house like every other day, but this time I headed to the opposite direction than usual. I had been prepared so I had the usual backpack for such occasions.
I walked for a week in Rhodes and did some hitchhike. Inspired by the religious dedication of each day, but without giving a necessary religious character, more like interpreting my thoughts, I was creating a drawing towards the end of every day.
I stayed overnight in different places, and the journey ended when i reached the peak and the shelter of Akramytis mountain, where i stayed through the evening of Resurrection. The next morning I set up the exhibition consisted of the drawings I've created these days.
The exhibition was not planned, but the idea arose after I finished the second drawing at the end of the second day. What had been planned was that I would end up on the evening of the Resurrection to the Acramytes, so the idea of exposing the drawings there was a spontaneous follow-up. Given the conditions, the distance from the city, the climb to the summit and the day - Easter Sunday - the exhibition had no visitors at all, and a couple of tourists who came to the top did not want to enter the exhibition and I didn't insist, understanding how one climbs up a mountain top to find quietness.
I was burning incense all over the time of the exposition which filled the room with calmness.
A total of 7 drawings were exhibited, with the latter, "Vespers of Love", remaining unpublished since I did not publish any photographs that included it.
I named the show "Sol-o", which was, for me, more of a spontaneous act and a game, referring to the "individual" concept of this particular and entirely individual exhibition, while making a play with the word "sol" meaning "sun" in Latin.
I enjoyed the freedom to attend my first solo exhibition comfortably dressed.

Holy Monday
Dedicated to the fruitless fig tree that dried up with His word.

Asgourou - Pastida - Maritsa,
overnight in the courtyard of Prophet Elias
What I was afraid of, with that I am one now.

Holy Tuesday
The 10 Virgins, a reference to faith and providence.

Maritsa - Psinthos - Archipolis, overnight at the Art Park

Holy Wednesday
In memory of the sinful woman who anointed His feet with myrrh.

Archipolis - Eleousa - Platanias - Apollo - Laerma - Lardos, overnight at Ypsenis Monastery
You made so many roads but
no one can fit me
I have nowhere to go

Holy Thursday
The Last Supper, prayer, betrayal, arrest, questioning, denial, condemnation.

Monastery of Ypseni - Lardos - Gennadi - Lachania, overnight stay at the mojito bar
And while i said that
what I was afraid of, with that I was one,
from that i got separated.

Holy Friday
Holy Passion and Crucifixion

Lachania - Gennadi - Vati - Apolakkia, overnight at rhodesescape
What they call temptation is probably the negative side of doubt.

Holy Saturday
burial and Hades Descent
Apolakkia - Siana - Akramyti mountain's top, overnight at the shelter house.
Every breath is a little sunrise and
every exhalation a little sunset.
The sonata of power,
the nature of power embodied
I am
Great Saturday
What I am afraid of, with that I am one.
Resurrection Goodbye Resurrection.
air out, mountain land, humidity, fire, wood on fire.

Easter Sunday - Exhibition
The return.
Sunday of Easter, the sun came out.
I'm leaving the shelter house, I do not know what time it is but the sun is still hot. The exhibition was ultimately solo, as it was designed to be. A couple of Germans passed for a moment but did not want to get in and I did not insist. I understand that one comes to a mountain top for quietness. I'm starting.